Friday, February 5, 2010

It's been a while :)

WOW lol I really need to get back into things. I am going to be doing so much more with my clay business. So don't forget about me and Check back to see what I am up to!!



  1. Hi Jess!!!
    What an adorable little cutie!!!! Wuu Huuu, I can't wait to see what you come up with! I will be sure to check back in!! =)

    I hope to get lots of claying done this weekend!


  2. Awwwwwwwwww Jessica!!! Sooooooo CUTE!!! Love the new doggies you have up on ebay too!

    I stopped by to give you the Sunshine Award. Please stop by my blog at to receive it!

  3. awww I love your little butterfly:) heheheheh
    I HOPE You do more with your clay! You are a very very talented artist! and your littleones always make me smile!
